Providing a Pathway to Excellence


At Imperial Oak Preparatory School, our approach is anything but formulaic. Education is one of the most significant pillars of a child’s life, and yet children are as varied, unique and individual as adults. That means that any blanket approach to learning is bound to miss something which would be otherwise vital to a child’s development. We want to give children the chance to grow their passions and interests in the way that is most authentic to who they are.

Who We Are at Imperial Oak

We take a holistic approach to the education of all our students at Imperial Oak. As an independent preparatory school, we offer an extended national curriculums taught by experienced, expert teaching staff. On top of that, we also offer a wide range of extracurricular activities to enhance every child’s experience and ignite passions in things like art, music, and languages. Our in-house kitchen and chef also attend to the all-important question of nutrition, an often overlooked, but no less vital, aspect of a student’s day-to-day education.

Our Values


Admissions Process

We are currently accepting applications for Receptions, Year 1 and Year 2 for 2024-2025
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To request for more information about our school and our registration process.
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You can apply online; we are currently accepting application.
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Payment can be made online for your completed application forms
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Come & See Us: Taster Days & Visits

Above all, we understand the difficulty in choosing the best private schools in Central London to trust with your child’s education. You can get in touch with us directly whichever way suits you best, to discuss your child’s needs over the phone, enquire via email, or arrange to come and see our modern school building for yourself. As a new and innovative school, we have a different ethos, ultimately based on getting to know your child while also instilling our core values through education. We would be thrilled to meet you and our prospective new student, so get in touch today to arrange a visit and discuss the application process.